
Welcome to the About page!

Here's a little something about our blog!

The blog name Lyieróse is a portmanteau of its authors' names: Lyra, Queenie, and Gorospe. A group of people fueled by passion and determination to build a better world for the future generations to come.

This blog was created in partial fulfillment for their subjects: English for Academic and Professional Purposes and 21st Century Literature. The site features four (4) articles which were dissected and provided with a synthesis, two (2) position papers written by the authors, two (2) essays documenting the authors' journey in taking up the 21st Century Literature subject, and one (1) infographic about the importance of research.

The members of the group are as follows:

Gorospe, Kendric O.
Behind every great melody is a great musician. Kendric enjoys sitting behind the piano, playing music that's pleasing to everyone's ear for he believes that music brings people together.

Ledesma, Queenie O.
The name Queenie can be defined in many different languages. However for her, Queenie is defined as an Old English name that meant Queen: someone who values the truth, disciplined, and desires to serve humanity.

Tan, Lyra Sophia T.
With boba milk tea running through her veins, Lyra enjoys going on adventures to seek out mysteries the world is yet to uncover, but she can also be tucked inside her sheets the whole day with delicious food and a good Netflix show.

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